Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable Fashion

Gender Neutral Clothing

MOMEN apparel greatly respects every gender needs even those located outside of traditional gender binary.

gender neutral clothing

Protecting Planet

We are determined to make a difference in fashion. 100% biodegradable fabrics and materials. Become an active citizen through your wardrobe.

Way of living

We consider MOMEN something much more than a clothing brand. It’s a way of living. Because it’s true, you are what you wear.

way of living


MOMEN is constructed from the combination of the words Men & Women, so it’s a matter of fluidity. Gender-fluidity. In fact, a truly gender-fluid outfit like MOMEN isn’t just an outfit, it’s more a state of mind.

The notion that clothing as an expression of our personality belongs to one gender or another is the social construct that needs disassembling.

Our products

Be sustainable. Be MOMEN

Be sustainable. Be MOMEN

Be sustainable. Be MOMEN

Be sustainable. Be MOMEN

High Fashion

We design unisex high fashion that thins the barriers
between genders, addressed to people by people.

Make a Difference

MOMEN apparel refers to all people who want to make
a difference in our planet. Potentially, to every one of us.